Posts Tagged ‘war of the sizes’

War of the sizes

Posted: January 18, 2014 by firewalkjen in Words of Wisdom
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I am sick to death of seeing all these posts and memes of skinny girls verses overweight girls.  Being a person that has fluctuating weight due to my illness, if I see one more of these I’m gonna puke..

I think society places to much emphasis on weight as a marker of your worth. Especially for women. There is a total double standard in that women are expected to be perfectly fit when men can carry triple beer babies and it’s acceptable, ” it’s a gas tank for a love machine”. All that aside, let’s just focus on the cruel cattiness of the female species.. We as a society have done a total 180 from the days where the bigger a woman was the, the higher her status.. It meant she could afford to eat well. There were no considerations of illness or circumstance. People have always been judged by their weight, and as much as I wish I could change that, it will always be that way.

The thing a lot of young impressionable girls don’t see with their rose colored glasses in these magazines,  is the fancy graphic artist at his computer artfully removing all imperfections.. The bottom line is NO ONE is perfect. Perfection is an illusion. It does not exist in the really real world(trust me, do a Google search).  For me it all boils down to health. If you are in extremes in either direction (under or over weight) and it affects your health in a negative way, something should be done. It is just as unhealthy to be extremely over weight as it is to be extremely under weight. If you are over weight simply because you stuff your face all day and don’t move from the couch, yet you sit and complain about being fat, I have no sympathy for you. Same goes for the opposite, if you can’t gain weight, but do nothing about it, I have no sympathy for you either. Do some research, talk to a doctor, there is something that can be done in this day and age. I just have a hard time in general listening to anyone complain about things that they can change..

Ladies, ladies, ladies,, we need to stop bullying each other. I repeat NO ONE is perfect. Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves. As hard as it is to do some days, you just have to accept who you are, imperfections and all. Don’t judge someone based on their weight, appearance, because you have no idea what their story is.. You have no idea how what you say can affect a person. Don’t be a mean girl..

My bottom line is this, if you are happy and healthy, no matter what your size, who cares what the mean girls say, who cares what Hollywood tells you is beautiful  because it’s all a fantasy. True beauty comes from inside.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no matter what you look like, I guarantee you there is a person out there who loves the shit out of you..