Posts Tagged ‘Health’

Are our minds truly strong enough to override our what physical bodies are telling us? If we focus on something other than our current physical pain, can we really lessen it? Something happened to me the other day that I wanted to share with you all.  I suffer from Crohn’s disease. There’s no need to sit and list all the nasty details, I’ll just say it’s unpleasant to say the least. I was sitting at my desk with a bad headache and just feeling horrid. I was trying to get some work done, but we all know how hard it is when you’re not feeling well to accomplish anything. I was just sitting there thinking mind over matter.. I put on some music and focused  on what I was doing and really listened to the tunes.. I believe it started with Katatonia’s Dead End Kings(yes I keep bringing up this album, I am obsessed with it) I’m sitting there typing away and I suddenly realized my headache was gone and I didn’t feel so terrible anymore.

I guess I might be sounding like a broken record, but when you are passionate about something, it happens.. This music, metal, helped me get done what I needed to and it just got better from there.

So I’m here to tell you friends, there is definite truth behind this saying.. It’s not just music.. It gets into your subconscious  and pushes the pain away. Obviously this will not always work, we all go through some truly painful experiences, but that day, it made my world happy again. Thank you metal.. You are my heart..