Posts Tagged ‘Entertainment’

OK ENOUGH of this already!! I see way too many people posting about how “metal” they are. Really? are you the authority? I’m going to say it, heavy metal is a genre full of elitists and full of people who think that you have to act and dress a certain way and own a certain number of albums and attend a certain number of shows, etc,, to be considered “metal” in their eyes. If you can sit and tell me you have never liked a single song that wasn’t metal, I would think you are a liar.

I have seen people talking shit about how the kids nowadays don’t know what true metal is, etc, etc, blah, blah blah, There’s someone who probably thinks the same about you, so knock it off. Constantly posting on facebook about how many CDs you own or how you’ve been in this scene for 30 years does nothing, but make you look boastful and sad.. If you are secure in who you are there shouldn’t be a need for all that. And talking shit about people who have recently discovered metal and snubbing them at shows because of it, is completely ludicrous! Instead you should be opening their eyes to other bands they would like or telling them things they can do or places they can go to learn more.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Metal is one of my true passions in life. It inspires me to be a better person, to do better things and to be more productive. It doesn’t matter at what age you discover it, as long as you’re lucky enough to discover it at all..