Posts Tagged ‘Blodhemn’

This is not hard for me.. Truth is, my favorites haven’t really changed much in over a decade. I’m kinda stubborn that way..My tastes haven’t changed really, maybe just evolved…

Opeth – Opeth has been one of my favorites since the Mainstream metal shop days. Raven introduced them to me and one listen and there has been no looking back.. In my opinion Opeth is the definition of progressive. They seem to have a lot of naysayers lately due to there extreme transition from what we all have come to expect from them, to what they are doing these days. So there’s no more death metal vocals, their music is slower, etc.. People are calling them sellouts. Being successful is by no means selling out(this is a whole new blog). They’ve done their time, they’ve gone through the hardships.. Give credit where credit is due people. This isn’t some label made super band who rose to stardom over night. They deserve the recognition they’re getting and I commend them. And whatever your opinions are on the latest album, we will always have Black Water Park, We will always have the killer assault that is Deliverance. Opeth’s music, each and every album they’ve put out, is thought provoking, dark and beautiful.

Enslaved – Enslaved is a band I always knew about, but wasn’t fully into until I met Craig(the man). He played them for me and I was like, HELL YES!! I can’t get enough of them. From their crushing early more black metal albums to current day, they are always pulling out some wickedly dynamic new material. Music should inspire, and Enslaved definitely does that for me.. I listen to Ruun a lot lately.. The song Essence, EPIC.. If you haven’t heard Enslaved I would say to get the full spectrum check out Blodhemn, Frost, Ruun and Axioma Ethica Odini..

Nevermore – I honestly can’t remember how I started listening to Nevermore. I just know that out of all the bands I love, for some reason they inspire me the most. I can have the worst case of No motivation ever and I can pop on Dead Heart in a Dead World and spring back to life and create for hours (or just thrash about madly with my bff till the crack of dawn) Bands like Nevermore are the reason I live this metal lifestyle. The music lifts me up and lights a fire under my ass. I get things done, and I can do it with a smile(a crooked smile, of course).. Despite the recent departure of Jeff and Van, I will forever be a fan and their music will always be on the soundtrack to my life.