Posts Tagged ‘Dear John’

My Dear John Letter to Milwaukee…

Posted: February 1, 2016 by firewalkjen in The Next Chapter
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Dear Milwaukee,

After not very much careful consideration, I have decided, without a heavy heart that I am leaving you..

I just wanted you to know that this is not about your physical appearance. There are many beautiful and cool things about you. This is almost strictly based on your people.. I’m not saying some of your people aren’t wonderful, I grew up with you for crying out loud, so I am entitled to my distaste based on personal experience. I will miss those people that have positively affected my life and have always had my back, but Milwaukee, I’m sad to say you have not had my back. You have not supported me through thick and thin. You have stabbed me in the back repeatedly and I foolishly gave you chance after chance to redeem yourself, only to learn that things will never change, they will only get worse..

I know they say home is where you make it, but you can only do so much.. Milwaukee, you have given me a lot, so much life experience, I have done things with you that I only dreamed possible, but you have failed to sustain my passions, you have failed to keep your promises..  I need so much more than this. As I get older I realize we are not meant to be..

I do not wish you ill will, and forgive me if I sound like an asshole, but I am excited to exclaim that it is definitely over between us, there’s no changing my mind, there is no coming back.. I hope I left you with good feeling towards me and I may pop in only to visit my family and friends from time to time, but you and I are through..

Please don’t contact me, If and when I am ready, I will give you a call..